OpenSSL How To Renew A Certificate

Nov 14, 2022 · 1 min read
OpenSSL How To Renew A Certificate

In the video below, we show you how to renew a SSL/TLS certificate created in OpenSSL

Using OpenSSL as a Certificate Authority is a manual process and at some point a certificate will expire which will need to be replaced

When that happens a web browser may refuse to let you access the server, so it’s best to renew it before it expires

Steps Taken

  1. Revoke Existing Certificate
    You can’t extend the expiry date of an existing certificate
    Instead, you have to create a new one
    But as the details used are the same, we'’re basically renewing it
    Now, if you already have the CSR and SAN config files in the CA, you can use these to make the process easier, but OpenSSL will complain
    Because even if a certificate has expired, it won’t let you create a certificate if one already exists in the database for that common name
    So the first thing we have to do is to revoke the existing certificate, for example
    openssl ca -revoke certs/testserver.crt -config root-ca.conf

  2. Create New Certificate
    Now you can create a new certificate for your server
    For example
    openssl ca -config root-ca.conf -notext -in csr/testserver.csr -out certs/testserver.crt -extensions req_ext -extfile csr/testserver-csr.conf
    In other words, we run the exact same command that was used to create the orignal certificate
    TIP: You can check a certificate contains the Subject Alternative Name details before using a command like this
    openssl x509 -text -noout -in certs/testserver.crt | grep -A 1 “Subject Alt”

  3. Replace Certificate
    Finally, you should replace the certificate on the server with this new one

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