Install XOA From Source

Sep 5, 2021 · 2 mins read
Install XOA From Source

In the video below, we show you how to install XOA from source

This provides a free way to access the vast majority of Xen Orchestra management features

When you install XCP-ng you will be given a link to install a VM for the Xen Orchestra Appliance but you will need to pay a subscription to unlock features in this, such as hypervisor patching, as well as to get access to technical support

However, xoa is open source, so we show you how to install a xen orchestra community edition that unlocks the vast majority of features

This involves creating a new VM and then installing a xoa from source thanks to Roni Väyrynen who has made this possible via Github

Steps taken

  1. Create a VM running a Linux distro, in our case Debian 10 Buster It is best to give it a static IP address

    TIP: You may want to give it more than the basic 2 CPUs and 2GB RAM to begin with but it requires 20GB disk space

  2. Login and switch to the root account as we will need to install various packages

  3. Install git, clone the repository and create an install configuration file

    apt install git
    git clone
    cd XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater
    cp sample.xo-install.cfg xo-install.cfg

  4. Create a certificate and private key so we can access the server via TLS

    cd /etc/ssl
    mkdir xo
    cd xo
    openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -out xo.crt -keyout xo.key

  5. Update the config file

    cd /XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater
    nano xo-install.cfg
    Change the entry for PORT from 80 to 443
    Uncomment the lines at the end and enter the file paths
    Save the changes

  6. Run the installation script

    Select option 1 which is to install
    Leave to finish installing

    TIP: If the installation reports an error check the config file is correct
    If the installer reports a failed installation run the script again because in my test lab it seemed to have issues accessing the Internet

  7. Completion
    Once the installation has completed you should be able to login to XOA using the IP address and port that was configured
    Add your XCP-ng server(s) and you should now have access to the majority of management features
    Decommission the original XOA VM and use this one going forward

    TIP: Make sure this VM is set to autostart and is protected from accidental deletion and shutdown
    Scale back the resources the VM has to 2 CPUs and 2GB of RAM if you want but it depends on how many VMs you expect to manage

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